Monday, April 23, 2007

Back to reality

Last Monday was the culmination of a wonderful event -- a cruise on the Celebrity ship, Century, to celebrate my very best girlfriend's 60th birthday! Sixteen of us mustered for the event and had an absolutley fantastic time drinking martinis from the iced Martini bar, sucking down jello shots that I made in our in-cabin fridge, dancing the shag after dinner so the calories we had consumed wouldn't count and just plain having fun!
Sadly, as we left the ship to head our homeward ways - some to South Carolina and some to Ohio - we were greeted with the gruesome news of the tragedy at Virginia Tech. Talk about jerking you back into reality -- that did it.
In a separate post I will share photos and memories from our wonderful trip. Right now, I will just say how very saddened I am by the tragedy and how I pray for the lives of all of those affected by it. May God have mercy on all of you.

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